Month: December 2013

Envision an amazing 2014

These past few years, I’ve had quite a few “aha” moments. Those moments when I realized my dreams were coming true: from launching my own consulting practice, to teaching in the Master’s program from which I graduated, and now working with WOMEN Unlimited ten years after completing that wonderful program. In each case, it felt like serendipity, but the truth is, I had envisioned each of them and had taken steps along my path leading me toward them.

What about your path? What is ahead for you? And specifically, where will you be in 2014? The power of vision + action is incredible. So, take a few moments to ask yourself these questions:

What would make 2014 a truly amazing year for you? 

Take some time to think deeply about it. No one else can, or should, define this for you. Be open and honest with yourself. Admit those things that you are scared to wish for.

What are you doing to make that vision a reality?

What are you really doing? Not just thinking. While there are things you can’t control, they tend to work in your favor if you attend to those things you can control.

Who can help you?

We cannot be successful in a vacuum.  The good news is successful people tend to enjoy helping others become successful too. Who is doing what you’d like to do? How can you learn from them or get support from them?

Taking these last couple weeks of the year to rejoice, renew and reflect on your present and the path ahead can launch your success in the new year.

All the best in 2014!