
Words to live by in 2014

In my last post, I encouraged you to think about what would make 2014 great for you. I’ve been doing the same.

I don’t generally make New Year’s resolutions; however, each year I identify an overall theme or idea I want to live by.  For the past few years it’s been: to be uncomfortable as much as possible. In other words, to constantly say “yes” to new things, to push myself, to make possibilities become realities. Because the more uncomfortable you are, the more you grow.

A year of adventures

Thank you Hawaiian Fire Surf School

And, it’s worked quite well. I’ve gotten my own business running on all cylinders, developed some wonderful clients, taught at my former college, become a public speaker of sorts, started a new networking group, traveled to several new places, learned to surf (barely), learned to play the piano (sort of), kayaked and went paddleboarding for the first time, started a creativity blog with some friends, made some goofy videos with said friends and a lot of other cool or (at least fun) stuff. It’s been great and I wouldn’t trade the last few years for the world.

But this year, I’m feeling the need to slow down, not just for the sake of slowing down, but to focus on creating quality. The things I’m doing, I want to do better. Each project or commitment, I want to look at more closely and ask, how can I do it better?

Make it Sparkle are my 2014 words to live by.  What are yours?

CWC #9

What new work experiences have you had in the last 12 months?

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions but I do identify aspirations.  This year, one of them was to be uncomfortable as often as possible. Seems weird, I know. Except that being uncomfortable almost always means doing something new.  And when I do something new, I learn.  I grow. I add to my toolkit.

If you can’t remember the last time you experienced something new in your work, you have stagnated.  It’s time to raise your hand, take on that project, ask for that new stretch assignment.  What can you do that’s new?